olqe考试及复习的心得 on olqe test and preparation


In my last post I wrote about some issues I ran into while applying to sit the OLQE. Now that I have taken it, let me follow up with my experience on preparing and taking the test (just my personal experience, could not be relied upon in any way).

香港的olqe辅导机构在2020年的时候从律师会的网站看一共有三家,我挑了最便宜的p家,因为是没得报销的。跟国内司考的辅导机构 甚至barbri 比简直天价,不过这个考的人少,上辅导机构的人似乎更少,所以贵一点也是可以理解的。目测考场上每年必考的head 1和6大概200来号人,其他大概100以内。今年因为疫情所有上课都在线上,星期一到五每天一门,晚上六点半到八点半,大概人多的时候十来号,人少的时候只有四五个。虽然大家确实都很忙,但上课的人实在太少,也许大家都是线下在家听?从过往经验来看其实线上跟着听效率是最高的,线下自己再听可能两个小时的内容三个小时才能听完(因为往往会被别的事情打断,即便没什么要紧事),最后反而会慢于原定进度。

There were three preparation courses listed on HK law society website in 2020. After checking I chose the most affordable one (PK), but it turned out to be pretty good. It’s just that they charge way more than Barbri and other law qualification preparation courses, probably due to the small number of people taking this test each year. From a glance in the test site it seemed that around 200 people were taking heads 1 and 6, and less than 100 taking the other heads respectively. The course was online and streaming in real-time, from 630 to 830 pm, each weekday on one head. There were usually 10+ people online for heads 1 and 6, and around 5 for the other heads. I felt like it was most helpful if you could sit through the courses real time; usually it took more time to listen to the downloaded audio. Something would always interrupt.

上课的内容是讲义加习题,最好是上课之前把要讲的内容先看一遍再把要讲的题刷一下。发来学习资料的时候也是分为讲义册及习题册,但依照科目不同有的科目更注重讲义有的更注重习题,比如内容量较大的head 1讲义的内容比较多,而head 4的accounting和pc就需要讲习题才能搞清楚到底要学什么。不过遗憾的是有的科目习题的内容比较少,特别是上课的时候已经讲掉了一些,复习刷题的时候有些题就会以为是自己很会做,但其实是因为已经听过所以才会做,产生错觉。

The instructor would send you the reading materials and the past exam / self-made questions. Best if you could spend some time to finish the reading and the questions before the course. Some heads like head 1 would have so much to read, and the instructor would spend more time explaining those stuff. Some like head 4 would need to take a look at the actual questions to see what was going on really. It was a pity that there were limited number of questions for some heads, that when the online course used up some, there would be less left for your own practice.


The course would go on from late June to late September. There would be one mock exam for each head, and it was of utmost importance. The mock would give you a real feel of one of the most crucifying features of this exam–that you wouldn’t have enough time to write everything you knew you knew (you knew the issue, knew where to look at, but ran out of time before you could locate the exact phrase in your outline). The mock could also test your knowledge about the law. When I took the mock I haven’t started practicing the questions yet, so the answers were terribly wrong, but this in turn helped pushing me to learn more; the comments could also direct you at your weakness when learning. After the mock the instructor would take time explaining the answers, last year’s test, and gave some lectures on the possible questions in this year’s test. I spent most of my time practicing the questions, and thought it would help if I could at least practice all the questions once.

因为是开卷考试,所以有一个考试的时候好用的outline比较重要(香港好像叫这个是crib)。一开始我以为自己有时间给每科都准备一个,结果光做第一门的outline就花了两三个星期。实际上就是把讲义和习题里感觉有用的部分摘出来精简成最简单的样子。虽然也是学习的过程,但因为来不及就没做了。网上有人卖自己现成的outline的,因为没买不知道好不好用。其他科目我都把讲义或者习题集(head 4)做好索引就带去考场了。

The exam was open book, so better have an outline/crib. I spent 2-3 weeks making my own for head 1, but it took too long so I just made a TOC/index for the reading material / questions for the other heads. Towards the end of my preparation time, I saw people selling their outlines online, but I didn’t buy them so wouldn’t know if those work or not.

考场在一个展览中心,考试过程基本上风平浪静,除了偶尔出现一点不碍事的杂音。我带了钢笔,实际上每次都会用完一管多一点。因为时间不够字也写的龙飞凤舞,但实际上也没什么影响。比较担心的是head 2和head 1,因为感觉很多不会的内容,有些题目也没写完。最简单的是head 6,其实也不用讲那么细,上场把讲义对应内容抄抄就行了。看今年的形势,以后这个科目也不会(不敢?)有大变化。

The exam was in a convention center, but not close to any metro/subway station. I took taxi to and bus+metro back on each test day. You need to write everything longhand, so bring lots of pens–I would use up at least one
fountain pen for each head. I was a little worried about my heads 2 and 1, as there were stuff I was not quite sure of, and I didn’t finish every part of every question. Head 6 was by far the most laid-back one–you basically copy and paste the stuff directly from your study material, and the pass rate was over 90 per cent for 2019. Looking at what was going on in HK, I would say there shouldn’t be too many changes for head 6.


After the exam, I took some time off doing nothing (but still needed to go to work– spent all my annual leave on preparing the test). The law society would actually tell you on which day it would release the result, and this made everything more unsettling than just release the result without notice. If you pass, you can get your paperwork ready for admission; if you failed some of the heads, you should only need to retake those you failed.

Good luck!

More on OLQE: http://www.howchou.com/tag/olqe/

  1. Patrick

    如果迟迟等不来Law So补充资料的邮件,是不是说明我提交的资料没啥问题……

    • howchou


  2. iris

    您好,我也是今年刚准备申请考试的,PRC law背景的。能多跟您了解考试经验不?感谢

    • howchou

      抱歉,我不是prc law 背景的,考试只是跟着辅导班按部就班,除了写出来的经验外可能没有了。如果你有问题可以直接留言,谢谢

  3. zt


  4. susu


    • howchou


  5. Timmy


  6. Timmy


  7. Lulu


      • Lulu

        谢谢博主这么迅速回答。你身边的小伙伴有人上其他家的辅导班吗?我是在IP learning和Paul Kent家犹豫,上网搜居然很少对比的

        • howchou


          • Lulu

            有道理啊。看IP learning 说每门课会有一套notes 方便考试时抄,Paul kent是不是只能自己准备?另外历年真题PK会一道道讲答案吗?会有书面答案不?俺们中国考生还是更看重真题答案,嘿嘿

          • howchou


        • Louis Peng


          • howchou

            抱歉,几年前我已经考完了,除了写下来的这些没有其他什么可以分享的了。我用的培训老师是Paul Kent https://www.pskent.com/

  8. Kim


  9. Wils

    楼主,我看今年P家的培训课程 Head II III IV全都是自学,只能通过email contact,每科只有6节revision class 是可以听的。 请问当年也是这样?效果如何? 好纠结培训机构用哪家,我看内地也有一家做OLQE培训的,不知道这里有没人可以分享下经验。多谢!

    • howchou


      • Wils

        謝謝博主的迅速回復。我再問了下P家,原來I III IV三科有去年的錄音可以聽,還好不是完全自學。畢竟收費他家確是最便宜了。內地貌似只看到有一家OLQE的培訓機構HJ,教材是書本,沒有講義和模擬考,極有可能是想招攬您的那家。看了您的經驗,似乎模擬考還是比較有幫助。之前在香港上法律課程都是英文授課,突然轉成中文感覺更難入腦。多謝您的意見!

        • howchou


          • Wils

            是的, I III IV都只提供去年的錄音,不過9月之後有幾節revision是live sessions. 我也挺怕II的,procedural law平時也完全沒接觸過,以前也沒學過這科,反而III是比較有信心,工作中接觸的多。

          • Wils

            不好意思,打錯了 是II 不是I. Conveyancing有課哈。

  10. Patty


  11. 桃花開了

    因爲在律所工作,所以身邊有不少take OLQE考試,三家機構-lex、IP 、PK都有報的,因爲律所會承擔考試費用,所以費用方面沒有太多顧及。比較考試材料后覺得PK是最便宜的也是最差的,資料錯誤較多,更新也不及時,而且感覺近年的課程越來越敷衍,通過率較另外兩個也稍遜(不排除不同人之間的能力差別原因),但是好像報PK的最多,可能因爲便宜吧。

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