【第一章】村上春树故迹探寻之旅 Following the footsteps of Haruki Murakami Chapter 1

English version follows the Chinese.

  • 【第一章】早稻田大学
  • 【第二章】和敬塾,及通往早稻田之路
  • 【第三章】西宫市、芦屋市
  • 【第四章】芦屋高等学校
  • 【第五章】芦屋市打出公园、猿の公園
  • 【最终章】芦屋第二图书馆
  • 所有照片版权所有,未经书面许可不得转载。
    Not only was I fortunate enough to be chosen to go to Japan by my law school, I was also going to Haruki Murakami’s alma mater, Waseda University, where he spent seven years as an undergrad. As one of my favorite writers, I took this opportunity to explore the area where he might have taken classes and the dorm where he used to live in (also used as a backdrop for his Norwegian Woods). I further went to Kansai area and specifically, Nishinomiya and Ashiya, to see where he used to live before he went to college. I did go to Kyoto as well, where he was born, but I didn’t know where he might live back then. I didn’t have time to go to Kobe, but will save it for my next trip.
    I have visited the following places, and will upload photos to this entry as time allows. Please check back once in a while.

    1. 【1】Waseda University, this chapter
    2. 【2】Wakeijuku the dorm, and the path leading to Waseda
    3. 【3】Nishinomiya and Ashiya
    4. 【4】Ashiya High School
    5. 【5】Ashiya Uchide Park, where it used to be a zoo, now a monkey park
    6. 【final】Ashiya Uchide Library, where he used to study for college entrance exam

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    Chapter 1, Waseda University
    As his alma mater, there is really nothing here related to Murakami besides a special section in the university bookstore. Since he majored in drama, there will be some photos related to a museum of drama in the school. This time I have uploaded something related to the school itself.

    Okuma Hall, the landmark on campus.

    The road leading to the site of the school gate, which was gone already for some reason

    Statute of Ōkuma Shigenobu, founder of the school

    Another angle, not so many people during breaks

    The thoroughfare of the Waseda campus, flooded with students during classes

    8th Bldg was the old main building, where used to house the School of Arts. Now it belongs to the Faculty of Law, and there is a library underneath.

    Main library.
    Photos below are Toyama campus, very close to the Waseda campus but technically separated from the main campus. School of Arts is now in Toyama, which includes the drama department. Not sure if Murakami had classes here. Nothing special but a big complex.

    A tram line close to Waseda, the only line in Tokyo (well theoretically another private line also exists). As Murakami mentioned riding tram, this is it.

    Click here for Chapter Two.
    A teaser of the old dorm.

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